Helm is a package manager for kubernetes. It manages Kubernetes “charts”, which are “preconfigured packages of Kubernetes resources.” Helm enables you to easily install packages, make revisions, and even roll back complex changes and it provides functions that are like a package manager for an operating system:
- Helm follows a common format and directory structure for packaging your Kubernetes resources, known as a Helm chart.
- The Helm client software offers commands for: listing and searching for charts by keyword, installing applications to your cluster from charts, upgrading those applications, removing applications, and other management functions.
- Helm also provides a public repository of charts for common software. You can also retrieve charts from third-party repositories, author and contribute your own charts to someone else’s repository, or run your own chart repository.
Helm 3
Here are the major changes for Helm 3. If you like to get complete list of changes, see the FAQ.
- The most notable change in Helm 3 was tiller removed. With role-based access controls (RBAC) enabled by default in Kubernetes 1.6+, Tiller became unnecessary and was removed.
- Upgrading a chart is better than ever. Helm 3 introduces a 3-way merge patch, an improvement over Helm 2’s 2-way approach. Helm is now able to consider the old manifest, the current state, and the new manifest, instead of just the most recent manifest and the proposed changes. The 3-way merge patch helps to ensure that a user can roll back changes regardless of how they’re applied.
- Release names in Helm 3 are scoped to the namespace and have a sh.helm.release.v1 prefix.
- Secrets are used as the default storage driver for releases.
- The Go import path has changed from k8s.io/helm to helm.sh/helm/v3.
- A JSON Schema can now be imposed upon chart values. This ensures that values provided by the user follow the schema laid out by the chart maintainer, providing better error reporting when the user provides an incorrect set of values for a chart. Validation occurs when any of the following commands are invoked:
- helm install
- helm upgrade
- helm template
- helm lint
- The .Capabilities built-in object available during the rendering stage has been simplified.
- requirements.yaml has been folded into Chart.yaml as the dependencies field.
- Helm 3 now supports Library charts. These are shared by other charts and are intended to be reused to avoid redundancy.
- Removal of helm serve
- Helm 3 has moved to XDG Base Directory Specification. This means instead of Helm 2’s $HELM_HOME location, you will find information stored in the following:
- Helm Hub — Helm 3 does not come with chart repositories loaded out of the box. Instead, there is now a central hub for charts called Artifacthub.
Details about Migrating from Helm 2 to Helm 3
Helm has provided a plugin to migrate your projects from Helm 2 to Helm 3 called helm-2to3 plugin. This plugin works in three stages. First it migrates the configuration, then the release, then it cleans up the configuration, release data, and Tiller.
The components of a Kubernetes application–deployments, services, ingresses, and other objects–are listed in manifest files (in the YAML file format). Kubernetes does not tell you how you should organize those files, though the Kubernetes documentation does offer a general set of best practices.
Helm charts are the software packaging format for Helm. A chart specifies a file and directory structure that you follow when packaging your manifests. The structure looks as follows:
Following more details, Helm 3 — FoxuTech